ETF & Stock Balance Tools

ETF & Stock Balance Tools

Tired of checking online for every single holding on your portfolio? We all have been there, and this is why we built a tool to do it all in a single place.

The ETF:BLNC tool currently tracks the entire U.S. Stock Market & the Canadian Stock Market for a total of ~3,800 stocks.

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Disclaimer: Quotes may be delayed by up to 60 minutes. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice.
U.S. Stock Market Data:
Tue, 01/24/2023 - 11:17
(Updating since 55 years ago)
Canadian Market Data:
Tue, 01/24/2023 - 11:05
(Updating since 55 years ago)

U.S./Canada Market Indexes

Dow Jones Industrial Average


INDEXDJX:.DJI: 34,272.40
-5.69% YTD


-27.02% YTD
NYSE Composite


-8.42% YTD
Russell 2000 Index


-16.22% YTD
S&P 500


INDEXSP:.INX: 4,051.45
-15.00% YTD
S&P/TSX Composite Index


-3.30% YTD

Top Performing ETFs in U.S. & Canada

TICKER Name Day % Price % from High52 YTD %
XMI NYSE Arca Major Market Index -0.27% 3,020.68 94.17% -3.6%
XSC iShares Conservative Short Term Stratc Fxd Inc ETF -0.28% 17.58 90.06%
XSE iShares Conservative Strategic Fixed Income ETF -0.28% 17.91 87.67% -12.2%
XIG iShares US IG Corporate Bd Idx ETF (CAD-Hedged) -0.29% 20.35 80.21% -18.9%
TSE:ZSP BMO S&P 500 Index ETF -0.30% 59.92 88.90% -9.3%
XSUS iShares ESG Aware MSCI USA Index ETF -0.31% 29.29 87.04% -11.3%
CUD iShares US Dividend Growers Index CAD Hedged ETF Common Units -0.32% 53.36 97.23% -0.3%
XFA iShares MSCI Multifactor USA Idx ETF (CADHgd) -0.33% 33.15 86.99% -13%
XEM iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETF -0.34% 29.23 82.50% -14.9%
NASDAQ:BBH VanEck Biotech ETF -0.34% 168.87 86.32% -10.81%
XHD iShares US High Div Eq Idx ETF (CAD-Hedged) -0.34% 32.39 95.89% 4.8%
CBH Virtus Convrtble & Incm 2024 Trgt Trm Fd -0.36% 8.68 79.12% -12.1%
XUU.U iShares Core S&P U.S. Total Market Index ETF USD -0.36% 30.63 84.03%
CVD iShares Convertible Bond Index ETF -0.37% 16.36 87.16% -10.7%
XCG iShares Canadian Growth Index ETF -0.37% 43.21 91.62% -6.6%
CGL.C iShares Gold Bullion ETF -0.39% 20.54 89.89% 3.7%
TSE:VFV Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF -0.41% 97.02 88.63% -9.2%
ARKK ARK Innovation ETF -0.42% 37.76 36.34% -60.08%
TSE:XUS iShares Core S&P 500 Index ETF -0.42% 68.01 88.88% -8.9%
XUS iShares Core S&P 500 Index ETF -0.42% 68.01 88.88% -8.9%
XGD iShares S&P/TSX Global Gold Index ETF -0.45% 17.81 74.83% -2.5%
XSEA iShares ESG Aware MSCI EAFE Index ETF -0.51% 21.57 88.04% -9.8%
XDG.U iShares Core MSCI Global Quality Div Idx ETF USD -0.51% 17.40 92.06%
XAW.U iShares Core MSCI AC World ex Canada Index ETF USD -0.53% 24.35 84.26%
ITOT iShares Core S&P Total US Stock Market ETF -0.56% 89.97 83.19% -15.9%
XMM iShares MSCI Min Vol Emerging Markets Idx ETF -0.57% 26.22 89.86% -8.4%
CGR iShares Global Real Estate Index ETF -0.57% 27.82 78.52%
IVV iShares Core S&P 500 ETF -0.59% 406.72 84.37% -14.73%
XDUH iShares Core MSCI US Quality Dividend Index CADHedged ETF Units -0.59% 25.31 93.98%
XFI NYSE American Composite - Financial Subsector Index -0.61% 120.91 81.80% -17.7%
TSE:VSP Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF(CAD-hedged) -0.64% 67.09 83.36% -15.7%
XSP S&P 500 Mini-SPX Options Idx -0.65% 405.02 84.05% -15%
XDU.U iShares Core MSCI US Quality Dividend Idx ETF USD -0.69% 20.18 94.79%
XEB iShares JP Morgan USD Em Mkts Bd Idx ETF (C-H) -0.70% 15.59 78.94%
XSI iShares Short Term Strategic Fixed Income ETF -0.72% 16.56 88.51%